Add/Merge Cast/Crew Profiles

This thread has 1854 posts and 19823 views.

Please use this thread to request a moderator to create or merge a cast/crew member's MovieStillsDB profile. Please post the MovieStillsDB's url of the person's name. Bare in mind, not all cast/crew are recognized by the database and not all profiles will have a profile picture or bio. 

Deleted user

5 Jun 2020, 14:35

Deleted user

5 Jun 2020, 14:36
All profiles added. TY!

Added. TY

Added. Thanks!

Added. TY!

Deleted user

16 Jun 2020, 12:40
Added. TY!

Deleted user

16 Jun 2020, 21:47
Added. Thanks!

Added. TY!


Yaut on 9 Jul 2020, 19:13: merged!

You have made an enormous error the profile should be La La Anthony as per her imdb entry not Lala Anthony can you please rectify YOUR mistake. Don't you people check?

That's how the database codes it in - not us. That's how her profile will remain. Yaut made no error whatsoever. Please be kind to those who volunteer our free time! I don't think you understand how much work, time and effort goes into being a mod. If what's going on in the world today has taught us anything it's to be kind and take care of each other. There is no need for the way you speak to all moderators. We are human being just like you. Would you like to be treated as you have been treating us?