I'm a newbie to this site

This thread has 8 posts and 1388 views.

Good evening,

Just have a couple of questions as something is not clear. Is there an upload limit...as I have tons to upload and I didn't upload much imo but I already seem to have exceeded my limit of uploading? And how long does it take for them to appear/receive credits.

Hope someone can answer them before I start arranging everything and it seems a bit useless if there's a limit. Than I will only upload the photos to my forum.



And also I see that photos have been uploaded from a tv show Camp but I've noticed that a couple fo them are missing? Does this also happen often? Cheers Suzette

Me again sorry, but is there also a way to see which ones are still to be approved?


Welcome! There is an upload limit for every user which clears after your uploads have been moderated. Once approved, your account will receive credits. As long as your uploads have cast/crew tagged, it's a pretty quick turnaround time (typically less than 24 hours). 

Every film/tv series profile is different. Some are complete in full and others aren't. There's a large selection for sure and the database is ever growing. If there is something you're looking for, you can always post in the request section of the forum. 

Hi Michaella,

Thanks a lot for your reply. I wanted to be here for uploading most. but now I know there's a limit to uploading there's no use for it. As for example I have over 400 photos of succession and I want to upload them today than I don't want to wait for so many hours for them to be cleared as I want to delete the photos right after I have uploaded them. So I will see what I'm going to do. Cheers Suzette

Most of the users here have hundreds of uploads to add to the database. We will approve them as soon as we can ?

How do I donate to the site? When I go to the “Donate” page, it doesn’t tell me how!

cathy-matney-dulling on 20 Nov 2023, 05:47: How do I donate to the site? When I go to the “Donate” page, it doesn’t tell me how!

When you go to https://www.moviestillsdb.com/premium-membership and focus on the bottom of the comparison table, there are blue buttons labeled as Donate now!, which lead to pay gate. You can use PayPal or payment card.

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